An independent online club where members share experiences and plan amazing trips

Join our community and start planning your next rail adventure today!

Ideas and inspiration for your next big trip

Join our community and start planning your next rail adventure today!

Share your blog with fellow travellers and adventurers

Join our community and start planning your next rail adventure today!

Help and impartial advice from travellers who have actually been there and done it

Join our community and start planning your next rail adventure today!



Tuesday 4 November 2014


Welcome to a new club and online community for those who love rail adventure as much as we do. We realised that whilst there are many good sources of "hard" information out there, there seemed to be no meeting place where adventurers could get together to share their experiences. We plan to feature the very best train blogs from our members and help inspire our community to plan their next adventure. The Trans-Siberian Travellers Club is in fact a hub for rail travel around the world, so do share your experiences from wherever you have first hand experience!

Please do join us - we are a new community, and hopefully will will soon be a large one. Membership is free to travellers who join us at this stage, simply by registering in our forum. We are welcome those with significant experience (who may be eligible for Fellowship), as well as those needing help plan their first ever rail adventure.

Good luck & we hope to hear from you!